Mak Bach
Mak Grgic – Well-Tempered Guitar
Critically acclaimed guitarist Mak Grgic [GER-gich] brings three beloved solo masterworks to a classical guitar refretted in Baroque well-temperament, where each key has its own unique character or affekt. Alternating with exquisite chorale arrangements, these works gain a depth & vibrancy that has been missing for over two hundred years, and will thrill audiences that were so captivated by his recording of the Bach Chaconne from his previous MicroFest recording MAKrotonal. What a joy it is to finally hear them in all of their original key-colored glory. Composer/critic Kyle Gann has said, “Playing Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier in today’s equal temperament is like exhibiting Rembrandt paintings with wax paper taped over them.” The same may well be said of Bach played on the modern equal tempered guitar.
“Gifted young guitarist…imaginative, expressive playing” — NY Times
“The Bach stands out for Grgic’s fluid tempo relationships, plus his ability to shape melodic and harmonic strands with a clear and colorful perspective”— Classics Today
“Superb” — Pittsburgh Tribune Review