Beyond 12 Volume 2 Press
Album: Beyond 12: Reinventing the Piano, Volume 2
Digital Piano: Aron Kallay
Composers: Jeffrey Harrington, Monroe Golden, Robert Carl, Veronika Krausas, Nick Norton, Alexander Elliott Miller, Bill Alves, Eric Moe
Record Label: MicroFest Records
Catalog Number: M·F 16
UPC: 789993768493
Release date: January 15, 2021
Format: Digital and Compact Disc
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Press Contact: Aron Kallay
aronkallay [at] gee mail dot com
Beyond 12: Reinventing the Piano, Volume 2
Aron Kallay, Retuned & Remapped Digital Piano
For nearly 200 years the piano’s design has been exactly the same: 12 keys 7 times, low-to high = left-to-right.
But why 12..? Why left-to-right..? What if…
Beyond Twelve is a project that uses state-of-the-art physical modeling technology to break free from the constraints of this design—and the piano will never be the same again.
Grammy ® nominated pianist Aron Kallay premieres new works from eight of America’s most visionary composers, who were given two ground rules for these commissions:
1) Re-tune the keyboard, from extended just intonation to 88 equal-divisions of the octave and everything in between.
2) Re-map the keyboard, left can be right, high can be low; pitches need not be in order.
All compositions from 2004-2015, and recorded using Modartt’s Pianoteq.
Track Listing
|1| Sidereal Delay – Jeffrey Harrington
|2| I’m Worried Now – Monroe Golden
Clouds of Clarification – Robert Carl
|3| Introduction: Ebb and Flow
|4| Maestoso: Earth Processional
|5| Scherzo: Wind Dances
|6| Coda: Consumed by Fire
|7| Une Petite Bagatelle – Veronika Krausas
|8| Terços – Veronika Krausas
|9| Involuntary Bohlen Piercing – Nick Norton
|10| The Blur of Time and Memory – Alexander Elliott Miller
|11| Paths of the Wind – Bill Alves
|12| The Weasel of Melancholy – Eric Moe