Beyond 12

For nearly 200 years the piano’s design has been exactly the same: 12 keys 7 times, low-to high = left-to-right.
But why 12..? Why left-to-right..? What if…
Beyond Twelve is a project that uses state-of-the-art physical modeling technology to break free from the constraints of this design—and the piano will never be the same again.
Concert pianist Aron Kallay premieres new works from eight of America’s most visionary composers, who were given two ground rules for these commissions:
1) Re-tune the keyboard, from extended just intonation to 88 equal-divisions of the octave and everything in between.
2) Re-map the keyboard, left can be right, high can be low; pitches need not be in order.
All compositions from 2011 & 2012, and recorded using Modartt’s Pianoteq.