The Ten Thousand Things

What inspired this recording was the recent discovery of a long lost 1962 recording of the composer reading his 45’ for a Speaker, and the recent technical ability to present these five compositions in every conceivable combination, resulting in an infinitude of variations, as per the composer’s wishes.
As part of Jacaranda Music’s Cage 100 Festival, these performers (with the producer taking Cage’s part) premiered The Ten Thousand Things at the Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club where Cage gave his first public performance in 1932:
“Pianists Vicki Ray and (Aron) Kallay, bassist Tom Peters, percussionist William Winant and reciter John Schneider were exquisite. Every sound sounded considered, alive, worthy of our wonder.” -Mark Swed, L.A. Times
“There is a lightness and clarity in the playing that is both completely appropriate and refreshing here, not the kind of sweaty bang-you-on-the-head style that is common among some virtuoso new music performers. The performers stay out of the way and allow the bewildering diversity of musical events arise, change, and pass away continuously in front of our ears. – James Pritchett